Monday, 23 May 2011

Two years $ 98 high strike Brent crude oil

The Department of energy high its forecast 88.02 million barrels of oil consumption daily 87.78 m, estimated month last Photo: Reuters

Prices rose partly due to a leak in the main pipeline in Alaska, which carries one sixth of the American oil. Autour 95pc of production in the region ceased northern slopes and pipeline operator only restarts it on Wednesday at a lower than normal flow.

"There are a few good reasons which could explain and verify high oil prices" said Myrto Sokou Sucden financial analyst. "The recent trapped in pipeline Trans Alaska key predictions on the conditions of the winter in the North East, as well as strong stock markets could provide support to crude oil prices." It might be fairly quickly we can see the price of oil at $100 level. »

However, experts added Wednesday that failures and cold U.S. do not explain fully the recent spike, especially considering the difference of $6 in European and us compare the price of oil.

It came because the price of oil in London, Brent Crude, called growing faster than the price of crude oil from U.S., known as West Texas Intermediate (WTI).

Brent is regarded as a top scorer of the international application as WTI, which is a crude landlocked stored away from the coast mainly reflecting U.S. demand.

Global appetite for oil is growing. The Department of energy high its forecast 88.02 million barrels of oil consumption daily 87.78 m, estimated last month.

Speculators can also be targeted at the oil price London, betting that the price will go above $ 100. Global hedge funds have pumped millions of books in the future of oil pushing the number of contracts held by financial traders to a maximum of four years.

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