Monday, 11 July 2011

All eyes on Bahrain as Gulf earthquakes frighten oil markets

"Then the events in Libya are no doubt important, they are a loophole to the oil market" said Helima Croft of Barclays Capital. "We believe that Bahrain disorders can be much more important for the strategic balance in the Middle East and on the market of oil".

Risk analysis Exclusive group says there is "violent transition extremely moderate-risk" at Bahrain, the backbone of stability in the Gulf and the host to the United States 5th fleet. "There is a significant probability that this order is completely overthrown and replaced by a new order aligned with the Iran," he said.

Walkers of the Shiite community of Bahrain, 70pc of the population of 800,000 paid in Lulu square Manama Tuesday in another day of civic protest after the Royal family has promised to call off the coast of bloody repression.

King Hamad is under intense pressure from United States to refrain from other bloodshed, but this softly-softly policy contains its own risk. While the party Shiite al-Wefaq centrist wants reform Pacific, the most radical Haq movement is less easy to control.

Exiled Haq leader Hassan Meshaima, wanted for alleged sedition announced back to Bahrain, next week. It is unclear if he has a green light from the authorities in an attempt to defuse the crisis or if it is to start down the gauntlet back echoes of Ayatollah Khomeini's return to Iran, thirty years ago.

"If he is detained on arrival, this is likely to galvanize opposition and increase the risk of a severe widespread uprising," said analysis Exclusive, sees a chance to a third party that the 200 - year monarchy will be reversed.

Gary Sick, a former advisor to the White House on the Middle East, said it is too late "dialogue" after the assassination of 10 people, considered a massacre by the clercs de Shi'ite. "" He said the Saudis are "terrified" contagion and are determined the line drawn at the Bahrain protests spread across the Gulf. "It seems to be a happy ending to this story", he said.

Iran is clearly hoping to bring Bahrain into its orbit. A Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei wizard called for Bahrain be absorbed as 14th province Iran three years ago. Manama has repeatedly accused Tehran of incitement to revolt.

However, the immediate concern is the Bahrain disorders cause either Saudi Arabia to intervene directly or serve as a model for the rebellion in the Eastern Province of the Kingdom in the vicinity. This region has a majority of Shi'ite agitated and is owner of only one-fifth of global oil reserves.

There were clashes low-level Saudi security and Shi'ite militant in the province over the years, while Riyadh has made efforts to address grievances. A small demonstration this week at Awwamiya was treated with kid gloves. Three Shiite prisoners have been released as a gesture of goodwill. However, dissident Saudi Arabia asked a much larger "day of anger" on 13 March the press for political freedoms.

Exclusive analysis says there is a chance to 25pc that Saudi disintegrate, perhaps in three States. "We do not think that it is probable, but it will have a very significant impact if it happens," said Firas Abi Ali strategist MIDEST group.

"The threat to Saudi Arabia is if they have both a Shiite uprising and a Hejazi uplift at the same time, of the country." The Saudi royal family depends on the Sunni clerics for its legitimacy. It may not easily meet the demands of demonstrators of Shi'ite and is likely to oppose any move Bahrain to make a deal to avoid a precedent, "he says.

Barclays said tectonic shifts three weeks will cause "lasting discomfort on oil markets" and can climb crude prices at $135 per barrel earlier than its goal by 2015.

There is little danger of any country cut oil supplies that generate vital revenue, there is a risk agitation slows desperately need exploration and investment. "In a world where demand growth continues at a phenomenal pace, these lost barrels of medium-term output can be extremely valuable to the margin of the oil market,"said Ms. Croft.""

The tightening of the medium is still some research.

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