Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Roll-out LSE overwhelmed by teething troubles

Execution only brokers like Selftrade yesterday warned that their sites Web wasn't showing fair price then that TD Waterhouse said a technical issue between the London Stock Exchange and one of its data providers has been affecting levels of loss of the stop on UK stocks. Selftrade and TD Waterhouse said they work with their intermediary and the London Stock Exchange to resolve the problem.

The London Stock Exchange migrated its faster system trading platform provided by Millennium, Monday. But the system hit by pips, with bidding closing Tuesday, the delayed by 42 seconds.

Market insiders suggested that current issues lies with data providers.

But the close data vendor, data sources interactive think that the problem arose from Millennium roll-out of the London Stock Exchange. They added that they work closely with customers to solve the problem.

A Thomson Reuters spokesperson said there were some specific issues related to Millennium LSE feeds and works with the London Stock Exchange to resolve.

A spokesman LSE said that they were satisfied with the migration, taking into account the size of the project, and the comments of the participants had so far been good.

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