Tuesday, 29 November 2011

U.S. debt deadlock étincelles new fears of market

To the United States, the Commission join on the reduction of the deficit still works to cut trillions of dollars from the budget despite the breakdown of Thanksgiving.  Photo: GETTY

The impasse between the Republicans and the Democrats warring on efforts to find a $ 1.2 billion (£ 767bn) savings came in as the rose over $ 15 billion US national debt.

According to reports, the rival parties were preparing to announce today that they could not agree on the packaging of increases in taxes or cutting spending.

The deadline for an agreement of the so-called supercommittee was Wednesday, but the Commission was asked to put forward a plan at the end of today to give time to Congressional Budget Office to assess the real effects on the deficit.

Failure to strike an agreement would trigger automatic cuts of an equivalent amount in 2013 of spending for Defense and other government agencies.

The standoff is reminiscent of delays and arguments in July to raise U.S. debt ceiling. A agreement of last minute was not struck, the United States would have technically violated.

Disputes, was the first evidence of the vacuum of leadership that has frightened the United States and Europe markets.

Yusuf Heusen, a merchant of sale at IG Index, said: "News that the United States have hit a deadlock on recognizes budget cuts wishes to remind the traders of the last time legislators an impasse in the summer and the subsequent fallout that followed.".

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